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"Mirror" — Cincinnati Review
"Being" — ballast
"On Night" — RHINO
"On Dying" — Radar
"Belief" & "Youth" — Waxwing
"Fugitive" — On the Seawall
"Titration" — Sixth Finch
"Blood Aria" — Image
"On Seasons" — New Ohio Review
Six Poems — Sporklet 
"To Certainty" — RHINO
"Hallucination with Four Fathers" — Broadside by Wells College Press
"Hallucination with Four Fathers" — RHINO 
"This Time Thistles" — RHINO 
"Imbolc" — The Missouri Review
"Fidelity" — Best New Poets
"Landscape with Parallax" — Salamander
"The Reagan Years" & "Spring Comes to Washington" — Superstition Review
"Childhood" The Good Men Project
"Childhood [2]" — The Good Men Project
"It Seems Like a Room" — The Poetry Society of America
"The Last Window" — Spiral Orb

The Gazette
Tupelo Quarterly

Kenyon Review
Southern Utah University News

Speedway & Swan

Wisconsin Book Festival, 2021
Westminster College, 2019

The University of Arizona Poetry Center, 2012

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